When you need quick, helpful information about Translation Workspace, Lionbridge has you covered. Whether you prefer to learn at your own pace, or participate in a scheduled event, we have a training option for you.
If you prefer to learn at your own pace, downloadable training courses covering different topics and descriptions to find the ones that meet your needs.
During the Instructor Led Training sessions, our expert support team provides detailed training. Each event has time set aside for Questions and Answers, when you can get the answers to your specific questions.
Quick start program
Translation Workspace getting started. This information gets you started using Translation Workspace right away.
To open the translatable files you will need to download and install the Translation Workspace Clients. When you click on the link below, you will be prompted to login before the download starts.

Our Plans
Whether you are a freelance translator, a localization agency or an enterprise, you will find a plan that fits your needs.
Every plan also includes basic support, zero maintenance, upgrade costs and the ability to pay as you go for any words that exceed the included plan words.
About Geoworkz
GeoWorkz is a business unit within Lionbridge dedicated to bringing the best technology solutions to the translation industry. GeoWorkz and Translation Workspace are brought to you by Lionbridge, the world's leader in translation and localization services.
At GeoWorkz.com, we provide information, training materials, product tours, free trials and other resources to help you improve your productivity and your business results.
In addition, once you are a subscriber, you can manage your account, track usage, access training, download documentation and submit questions to the Translation Workspace customer success team.
Learn more about Lionbridge.

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