Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
- Key Features
- Subscription Information
- Purchasing Options
- Compatibility
- System Requirements
- More Information
- Support
Key Features
QWhat is Translation WorkspaceTM?
A Translation Workspace is a hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution available to all participants in the localization supply chain. Both buyers and providers of language services can access the same advanced language assets functionality in an innovative, pay-for-use subscription model.
QWhat are the components of Translation WorkspaceTM?
A Translation Workspace provides server-based Translation Memories (TMs), glossaries and review packages (collectively "linguistic assets") and Translation Workspace Clients (Microsoft Word Plug-in, XLIFF Editor, Online Review Client). With the Translation Workspace Web interface, you can:
- Create and manage large TMs and glossaries
- Share linguistic assets in real-time over the internet with all those working on a project, so translations become available to everyone on the project instantaneously
- Link your internet-enabled linguistic assets together to form massive reference resources for yourself or for teams that you outsource to, while keeping the underlying information separate and protected
- Create review packages that can be shared and accessed by reviewers in a Web-based interface
QWhere can I see the Translation WorkspaceTM interface?
ASubscribers and registered users of Translation Workspace can access streaming training materials on the Training & Tutorials page. For a preview of specific functionality, take a look at our Feature Spotlights.
QWhat are the benefits of Translation WorkspaceTM?
ATranslation Workspace is designed for freelancers, LSPs managing translation projects and enterprises who need content translated.
If you are a freelance translator, you can create new TMs and glossaries yourself, import TMs you currently manage, filter files in preparation for translation and work on projects for other subscribers. Translation Workspace gives you all the tools you need to do your work. - LSPs
If you are an LSP, you can configure and use Translation Workspace to manage linguistic assets and perform pre- and post-processing tasks. Content owners may provide you access to their linguistic assets, which can in turn be shared with subscribed translators. -
If you have content you need translated, you can use Translation Workspace to create linguistic assets and perform file preparation and post-processing. You can provide linguistic assets to LSP and freelance subscribers, or your vendors can perform these services for you while you maintain control of your linguistic assets.
Q What is a Translation WorkspaceTM Subscriber user? What is a system user?
- Can work in Translation Workspace with full permissions, including the ability to create linguistic assets and share them with other subscribers, or accept and connect to linguistic assets shared from other subscribers
- Own the management of the subscription, including plan selection and payment information
- Can purchase licenses, words and Extended Support
- Are automatically created in Translation Workspace, from where they can create system users
- Have access to support and training
System users:
- Can work in Translation Workspace with permissions granted by privileged system users
- Have access to support and training
QWhat is the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model?
ASaaS is used to refer to the provision of and access to commercially available software via the Web. Translation Workspace is SaaS because it offers on-demand access to the industry's most advanced linguistic asset tools without the costly and time-consuming infrastructure investment associated with on-premise systems. Lionbridge guarantees security, high availability and response time with each subscription.
QWhat are the advantages of SaaS-based linguistic asset management?
A Unlike other TM systems, Translation Workspace hosts linguistic assets securely in a web accessible location. Assets from multiple projects and workgroups are easily linked to increase efficiency. Translators access Translation Workspace server via the Internet, using the Translation Workspace web interface or one of the two lightweight translation clients. Updates are posted back to the Live Assets in real-time. With this advanced, Internet-based architecture, valuable assets are no longer stored on dozens of machines around the world. Instead, Translation Workspace allows secure, centralized management of TMs and glossaries, facilitating greater efficiency and consistency in the translation process — and better protection for sensitive data.
The Translation Workspace SaaS-based approach to Live Assets management has a number of advantages:
- Better control and utilization of valuable linguistic assets
- Lower transaction costs related to translation asset handling and management
- Improved collaboration among translators
- Greater reuse due to sequencing of TMs
QWhat are Live AssetsTM?
A Your linguistic assets (TMs and glossaries) can be thought of as "live" because they can be updated from anywhere at any time by subscribers with access permissions. Updates are instantaneously available to all. Based on ground-breaking asset sharing privacy functionality, globally-distributed teams of linguists can contribute to and reference centralized assets in real time, introducing key efficiencies into the production process. Live Assets are self-maintaining, facilitating process-driven management and eliminating costly synchronization work. With near-zero latency and response time measured in milliseconds, Live Assets increase speed of work, reduce internal language asset management costs and contribute to lower overall localization spend.
QWhat is Asset AliasingTM?
A Asset Aliasing is the process of sharing linguistic assets between subscribers, without risk. The owner - or issuer - maintains control of their linguistic assets and can decide how long other subscribers - or recipients - should have access to them. Identities of both the issuers and recipients are protected during the aliasing process.
QWhat is a tenancy?
A When you subscribe to Translation Workspace, you are given a tenancy, which is your workspace. Your tenancy is your own space within Translation Workspace that contains your users, workgroups and linguistic assets - the full working environment. You control your tenancy and decide what, if anything, you want to share with others as you execute work in Translation Workspace. To login, you need your tenancy name as well as your username and password, so this is an important credential to remember.
Subscription Information
QWhat does purchasing words mean in Translation WorkspaceTM?
A In order to create and work with TMs and glossaries in Translation Workspace, a subscriber must purchase words. When you purchase words, you are buying the number of source words you expect to query against your linguistic assets each month during pretranslation and interactive translation. The Translation Workspace server counts the words as they are accessed. A subscriber only needs to purchase a plan with a minimum number of words if only working on linguistic assets provided by other subscribers.
QHow is my word usage measured?
AWord usage is measured against the linguistic assets that you own. The manager of your subscription can access GeoWorkz to view a daily update on word consumption—that is, the number of words accessed in your TMs.
QHow does word metering work?
AThe words balance in a tenancy is consumed as content is translated using TMs owned by the subscriber. Translation Workspace reports the tenancy’s daily word usage. When the subscriber’s TMs are queried during translation, words are debited from the purchased words balance. If the TM is made available to users outside the tenancy by issuing an Asset Alias token, the queries made by those users are debited from the original TM owner’s purchased word balance. Users are not charged for work they do using TMs owned and aliased to them by other tenancies.
QHow does word metering work for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Thai?
Word Counting in Analysis Reports for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai
For Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai, Translation Workspace counts all characters-including punctuation, but not white spaces. This includes any Latin or other alphabetic characters. Translation Workspace determines the counting technique to use from the language setting, not the linguistic content.
- Chinese (China) – zh-cn
- Chinese (Singapore) - zh-sg
- Chinese (Malaysia) - zh-my
Metering of "Word" Usage
Translation Workspace programmatically applies a ratio to system-generated character counts before passing information to the metering engine used for word usage charges. The word usage shown in the Translation Workspace section of GeoWorkz.com will therefore already have been adjusted downward for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai. These per language ratios are as follows:
- For Japanese the system counts one word for each 3 characters.
- For Simplified Chinese the system counts one word for each 1.4 characters.
- For Traditional Chinese the system counts one word for each 1.4 characters.
- For Korean the system counts one word for each 3.3 characters.
- For Thai the system counts one word for each 6 characters.
QWhat operations are metered for word usage?
A Any segment open operation from a Translation Workspace Client (Microsoft Word Plug-in, XLIFF Editor and Online Review) or Translation Workspace Tools is metered. When a user opens a segment – either a single segment during an interactive translation or a collection of segments during pre-translation – the system deducts the number of source words in the opened segments from the balance of words in the subscriber's plan. Concordance search, analysis and terminology lookup operations are NOT metered.
QIf the same segment is opened twice, is it metered twice?
A Translation Workspace has a system-wide 60-day metering period. The first time a segment is opened, it is flagged as having been metered. If the same segment is opened again in the 60-day metering period, it is not counted again against the word balance.
QAre different TM match levels metered differently?
A TM match percentage is not a factor in metering, as only source words in opened segments are counted.
QIn the case of aliased assets, who gets charged – the issuer or the recipient?
A When an asset is aliased, the issuer of the alias is charged for any usage of that TM. If the recipient re-aliases the TM to another tenancy (for example, an agency re-aliases the TM to a freelancer), any work done using the alias (by the original recipient or the user it is re-aliased to) is charged to the owner of the original TM.
QAre background TMs metered as well?
A Segment queries resulting in a match from a background-linked TM are metered against the foreground working TM. Source word counts are associated with the working TM, regardless of the origin of the actual match or non-match.
QCan I roll my words over if I do not use them all during my subscription period?
A Words are provided as part of the subscriber's current plan and cannot be "rolled over" from period to period or into another plan. When a plan expires, the available words in that plan also expire.
QHow do I cancel my account?
A You can cancel your account via a Cancel button in the Translation Workspace tab of the "My account" section at GeoWorkz.com. Your cancellation will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle—monthly or yearly. When your account is cancelled, you assets will be deleted and your tenancy deleted, so export any assets you need to keep prior to the cancellation date.
QCan I transfer my words to another subscriber?
A Words are provided as part of the subscriber's current plan and cannot be transferred to another subscriber.
QHow many "words" should my plan include?
A It depends on how often you will use your own TMs for translation projects. Word usage is metered against the owner of the TM. If you plan to use your own TMs to perform the translation, either in your own tenancy or by aliasing them for others to use during translation, you should purchase as many words per month as are likely to be translated. If, instead, you plan on working only with TMs aliased to you, the owner of the TM is charged for the word usage and you can purchase the minimum number of words.
QHow many licenses do I need?
A Purchased licenses are available for assignment to individual system users. You may configure more system users than the quantity of licenses, however, each user in a subscription must have an assigned license to use Translation Workspace.
QHow are licenses assigned?
AAn automatic on-demand license management model makes license assignment easy and quick. "Floating" licenses are assigned automatically at login to the users who are actively working in your subscription. If a user no longer needs a license, it is automatically freed up when the user logs out. No hardware locks, no license keys. An admin can manually assign a "Fixed" license to a user, to ensure that the user always has a license (and the admin can remove this license at any time).
QHow do I get Support?
A GeoWorkz provides a Support page where subscribers and system users can access reference materials and troubleshooting information. Access to log a support request is available to all system and subscriber users with a valid license. Subscriber users have the option to purchase an Extended Support plan which provides access to advanced feature support for their system users.
QWhat is Extended Support?
AExtended Support is an optional addition to your subscription and can be added at any time. With the Extended Support plan, you get personalized assistance with the advanced features of Translation Workspace, such as:
- Penalty and Premium TM linking
- Live Asset AliasingTM
- Permissions management
- Review management
- Translation client configuration and usage
- Lionbridge experts can offer extensive knowledge on these in-depth topics.
QHow do I get a copy of my Invoice?
A GeoWorkz.com is a subscription service, which means that your account is automatically invoiced and payment collected. When this occurs, an Account Statement is automatically sent to the email address you specified on GeoWorkz.com, in the My Account tab.
The GeoWorkz Account Statement indicates a 0 balance because it reflects payments that have already been made, as compared to an Invoice which would indicate an outstanding balance due. The Account Statement automatically emailed to you from GeoWorkz.com fully conforms with tax and accounting requirements worldwide and includes: statement date, invoice number, a description of services provided, service cost and account balance, GeoWorkz tax address and VAT ID (if applicable) and your billing address and VAT ID (if applicable).
If you did not receive this Account Statement or have accidentally deleted it, please submit a support request indicating the date and amount of the invoice / payment for which you need the statement resent. If you need to update the email address associated with your GeoWorkz.com account, please log in to GeoWorkz.com and then click on your name at the top of the page to go to the My Account tab and edit your account information.
Purchasing Options
QHow do I subscribe to Translation WorkspaceTM?
A To subscribe and get started with Translation Workspace, please select a plan from Product > Our Plans. Your user account will get created during the checkout process.
QWhat are the available plans?
AEach Translation Workspace plan includes a base allocation of words and licenses in the subscription fee. Please reference Product > Our Plans for a list of available subscription plans.
QWhat if I need additional licenses?
AIf additional licenses are required during the billing cycle, you can add licenses immediately with a supplemental plan. For each additional license above the base allocation, the subscriber is billed on a per license basis.
QWhat if I need more words than included in my subscription plan?
AEvery subscription plan has a base allocation of available words. If additional pay-as-you-go words are required, the subscriber is billed on a per word basis for each additional word above the base allocation.
QWhat currencies can be used to pay for my plan?
APayments can be made in Euro or US Dollars.
QIs there a trial version?
AFree trials are available for you to try Translation Workspace for a limited time. The free trial lets you enjoy all the features and benefits of a Translation Workspace with no risk and no commitment. Sign up now for a free trial!
QIs there a student version?
AAt this time a student version is not available.
QWhat payment methods are accepted?
APayments can be made using major credit cards, debit cards, or PayPal.
Note: Debit cards with a Visa or Master Card logo are accepted as payment mechanisms.
QWhat are my payment installment options?
APlans are available in monthly or yearly installment options.
QCan I export my linguistic assets?
AYes, Translation Workspace is compatible with many common formats used by other translation software packages. However, the exported linguistic asset is no longer a Live AssetTM.
QCan I import my linguistic assets into Translation Workspace?
AYes, Translation Workspace is compatible with many common formats used by other translation software packages. Importing your linguistic assets will turn it into live data.
System Requirements
QWhat are the system requirements for using Translation Workspace?
ATranslation WorkspaceTM Web Interface
- The supported browsers for the Translation Workspace Web interface are MS Edge (latest); Firefox version (latest); Chrome version (latest).
Microsoft Word Client Plug-in
- Microsoft Word 2007 / 2010 (32-bits) / 2013 (32-bits)
- Microsoft Windows 10 / 11
XLIFF Editor
- Microsoft Windows 10 / 11
QWhat are the system requirements for using GeoWorkz.com?
AMicrosoft Windows 10 / 11 - MS Edge (latest version), Firefox (latest version), Chrome (latest version).
More Information
QIn what languages is Translation WorkspaceTM available?
AAt this time, Translation Workspace interfaces are available in English only.
QHow long has Translation WorkspaceTM been available?
A Translation Workspace is powered by LogoportTM, Lionbridge's own Translation Engine. Logoport has been available since 2000 and has been used exclusively by Lionbridge and their customers since 2005, but is now available for general use as Translation Workspace.
QIs Translation WorkspaceTM secure?
ATranslation Workspace runs on a best-in-class SLA backed by a SAS 70 Type II certified data center with high availability, disaster recovery and business continuity.
QWhat are the privacy policies?
APlease refer to the privacy policy at the bottom of any GeoWorkz web page.
QHow do I connect to GeoWorkz and Translation WorkspaceTM?
ABoth GeoWorkz and Translation Workspace authenticate you using the same username, password and tenancy. If you do not know your credentials, please contact your Subscription Manager. The Translation Workspace server can be accessed directly at http://translate.translationworkspace.com using a web browser.
QMy company or Internet Service Provider requires a proxy. How do I connect?
AIn rare cases, you might need to enter a proxy address in the login screen. For example, if you are inside a corporate network, your connection might be through a proxy server. Your network administrator can tell you if you have to use a proxy. Enter the proxy name and the proxy port in the Proxy address field of the login dialog of Translation Workspace. Your network administrator will also tell you the proxy port to use. For example, if the proxy name is proxy.mycompany.com and the proxy port is 8080, please enter proxy.mycompany.com:8080 in the Proxy address field.
QHow do I change my password?
ATo change your password, in www.geoworkz.com, click your name to get to the My Account tab, then click the Edit Account Information button. In the Edit Users dialog that displays, you can change your password. The next time you login, you must use the new password.
QI can’t log in. How do I get help?
AIn order to login to GeoWorkz.com or the Translation Workspace, you need a username, a password and a tenancy. If you have forgotten one or more of these credentials, click the “Forgot your credentials” link next to the Sign In button on the login screen. Then, in the screen that pops up, select which you have forgotten, your user name, password, or tenancy name and click Submit. You will receive an email either showing you your user name or tenancy name, or prompting you to click a link to where you can reset your password. If you are still experiencing issues, please click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page and send us a message describing the problem.

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